UMPIRE MENTORS is not a small book. It's in 8x11.5-inch format, and it's an inch thick! It also weighs almost 2.5 pounds! That's because there's a LOT of information in there - almost 1,000 tips for all umpires, from beginners to veterans. Find out more at www.umpirementors.com.
"Everyone who umpires or wants to be an umpire should get this book. Great job!"
- Dick Runchey, five-time College World Series umpire.
One of the best ways for umpires to improve is to learn from mentors. In UMPIRE MENTORS, 100 of the world's best umpire mentors provide advice any umpire could benefit from. Through answers to 9 key questions about the finer details of umpiring, they share their secrets and tips on how you can become a better umpire -whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro!
It's a 424-page inspirational, motivational and confidence-building book that is sure to improve your umpiring ability.
You can find more information at www.umpirementors.com.
In UMPIRE MENTORS you'll learn:
• How two-time World Baseball Classic and Olympic umpire Trevor Grieve uses game management to keep games on track.
• What advice Cuban national umpire Adrian Pena has for beginning umpires.
• What former MLB umpire Al Clark thinks is the most important thing an umpire can do to improve.
• The umpire mentors in this book also tell stories - many for the first time - that range from hilariously funny to downright poignant and heart-wrenching.
And 100s more helpful tips and insights!
So click the link below to find out how to get YOUR copy - either ebook or printed book - and start becoming a better umpire TODAY!
Another box of UMPIRE MENTORS books ready to ship. Did you get yours yet? If not, go to umpirementors.com.
When you buy a copy of UMPIRE MENTORS you're helping others? 10% of the profits from the book will be split between the Umps Care charity (umpscare.com) and my local association, the Prince Edward Island Baseball Umpires Association (peibua.com). Go to umpirementors.com to find out more about the book.